Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Attempt #2 to leave Zagora

Yesterday we were due to leave zagora for 2 days in the wilderness. Unfortunately we didn't get more than 10k before our clutch started playing up and we had to return to the garage for repairs. Means we've lost a full day's off-road driving and have a long day ahead to get back on track.

TJ's haggling skills were put to the test and passed with flying colours at the garage, negotiating a 60% reduction in the cost to 400euro from 1000! Twice now he had been called a Berber, by a Berber - we think it's a compliment on his haggling technique...!

We feel bad for the rest of the group, and had offered to catch them up, but they all agreed to stay another night and wait with us. We'd have done the same for anyone else, but it's hard when you're the cause of the delay, specially somewhere you've been for 2 days already... Still, could have been worse, we could have been 200k away in the desert at the time!

Anyhow, fingers crossed for a smooth sailing today. Should be in Tata for 4ish.


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